Thin Brick Grout

Thin Brick Cleaning Agents

Very little to no cleaning of a thin brick project will be required if an experienced grouter is on the team.

If cleaning is necessary, our staff can recommend the correct and most efficient material & method to clean the thin brick [as well as facebrick].

Please contact our office for advice on a specific job.

Thin Brick Drip Flashing

Standard drip flashing is fabricated from 0.032 aluminum.
However, other gauges and metals [stainless steel, etc.] are available.
Please contact our office for additional information.

Material Packed & Shipped from St.Louis, MO
Please Contact Us for Freight Rate

8115 Roxburgh Suite 3
St. Louis, MO 63105
Office: (314) 610-0331
Fax: (314) 721-4884
Jon Edwards

Click on the images below to view a larger display.

Thin Brick Drip Flashing
Photo 1
Thin Brick Drip Flashing
Photo 2
Thin Brick Drip Flashing
Photo 3
Thin Brick Drip Flashing
Photo 4

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